Under The Boardwalk Rolling Stones E H When the sun be¬ats down on the tar upon the roof H7 E And your shoes get so hot, wish your ti¬red feet we¬re fi¬re¬proof A E Un¬der the bo¬ard¬walk, down by the sea, ye¬ah H E On a blan¬ket with my ba¬by that´s whe¬re I´ll be C#m (Un¬der the bo¬ard¬walk) Out of the sun H (Un¬der the bo¬ard¬walk) We´ll be ha¬ving so¬me fun C#m (Un¬der the bo¬ard¬walk) Pe¬o¬ple wal¬king ab¬o¬ve H (Un¬der the bo¬ard¬walk) We we¬re fal¬ling in lo¬ve C#m (ta¬cet) Un¬der the bo¬ard¬walk bo¬ard¬walk On the park you he¬ar the hap¬py sound of a ca¬rou¬sel You can al¬most ta¬ste the hot dogs and french fries they sell Un¬der the bo¬ard¬walk, down by the sea, ye¬ah On a blan¬ket with my ba¬by that´s whe¬re I´ll be (Un¬der the bo¬ard¬walk) Out of the sun (Un¬der the bo¬ard¬walk) We´ll be ha¬ving so¬me fun (Un¬der the bo¬ard¬walk) Pe¬o¬ple wal¬king ab¬o¬ve (Un¬der the bo¬ard¬walk) We we¬re fal¬ling in lo¬ve Un¬der the bo¬ard¬walk Bo¬ard¬walk Instr. 2 Zei¬len Un¬der the bo¬ard¬walk, down by the sea, ye¬ah On a blan¬ket with my ba¬by that´s whe¬re I´ll be (Un¬der the bo¬ard¬walk) Out of the sun (Un¬der the bo¬ard¬walk) We´ll be ha¬ving so¬me fun (Un¬der the bo¬ard¬walk) Pe¬o¬ple wal¬king ab¬o¬ve (Un¬der the bo¬ard¬walk) We we¬re fal¬ling in lo¬ve Un¬der the bo¬ard¬walk Bo¬ard¬walk